Saturday, June 25, 2011

A more natural, immersive camera position!

Penny Patton has written a great deal about the benefits of scaling everything in SL down -- a long-term project for sure.  The main reason that structures have had to be larger than necessary is that the camera position is set so far back away from the avi that walls, doorways, and ceilings are often in the way --- so the answer has been to just making everything large enough that it doesn't happen. And this leads to warehouse-sized rooms and huge doorways (and then we make huge avatars to fit those).

So the first step is fixing the camera so everything is easily seen but your avi can easily navigate smaller spaces -- more like in other video games, and more immersive.

Penny gives two different settings to change in order to fix that, but in my opinion, just doing the one below is not only sufficient but preferable:

To make your camera position more like other video games:

1. Go into the Advanced menu at the top of your window (if it does not show, do Control > Alt (or Option) D ).

2. Open Debug Settings at the bottom. Type in whatever is given below for your viewer version:

CameraOffsetDefault (In Viewer 1 based viewers, including TPVs like Ascent/Phoenix/Imprudence)

CameraOffsetRearView (In Viewer 2 including TPVs such as Firestorm, Kokula, Kirstens, Starlight and Catznip)

3. Then enter these numbers:

X: -2.000
Y: -0.400 (Make positive for a left shoulder view or keep 0.000 for a centred view.)
Z: -0.200

Like the new view?  Pass this link around to your friends!

Friday, June 17, 2011

New Walnut Regency Bedroom Series

Four new, beautifully sculpted Regency style beds are perfect for a castle, mansion, manor, or elegant home!  Each style is available in a full (145) or a lower (86)  prim bedroom set.

Vibrant jewel toned damasks and classic paisley linens decorate the beds in this unique Regency series.  The beds include retractable linens as well as an optional canopy with a curtain feature that rezzes from a menu.  The beds also have multiple single, cuddle and sleep animations.  

Each set also has a Regency styled matching bedroom bench with sit animations and matching chaise with sit and cuddle animation.

The regency style armoire includes open-close doors and rezzes folded clothes and decorative bowls inside from a menu.  You can also clear the items and put your own things inside.

All versions of the bedroom sets also include matching scarf tables and 3 prim, gold trim lamps with on/off glow touch.

Special to the full bedroom sets are the optional Regency style walnut and burl nightstands.

The full bedroom sets also include a Bombe walnut and burl dresser which comes with an oval gold leaf mirror and a decorative peony centerpiece bowl.

All sets include a sculpted rug and walnut framed, paired iris prints.

Check out the Regency Series in world!